Smear campaign after the police operation against the Furkan Foundation

Yurt dışındaki takipçilerimiz için İngilizce çeviri: After the police operation against the Furkan Foundation some provocative news agencies have made use of the situation and started a smear campaign.

Eklenme Tarihi: 30 Oca 2018
3 dk okuma süresi
Güncelleme Tarihi: 26 Eyl 2024
Smear campaign after the police operation against the Furkan Foundation

As it is well known, this morning police made an operation against the Furkan Foundation without a valid reason. Imam Alparslan Kuytul and some of his students have been detained. The Foundation building has been searched by a special police operations team. Some news agencies have made use of the incident and started a smear campaign against Imam Alparslan Kuytul.

Here are some of the defamations against the foundation:

The foundation building is like a “depot”.

The basement of the building is used for a project of the foundation and the SODES (Social Support Program) project, which is supported by the government. This shows that the intention of the agencies using the term “depot” is clearly to slander the foundation.

Moreover, in this centre for studies, which is called “depot” by those news agencies, free Arabic, Turkish and Maths lessons are held for students who are preparing for exams.

“System room”

It is very common that non-governmental organizations and charities use social media and that posts are made from a certain place. By calling the room, where the computers are, a “system room”, these agencies try to present the foundation as a place where members are planning secret things.

The statement: “The foundation is posting criticizing content about the Turkish military operation in Afrin and pursues terror glorifying propaganda activities”

As it is well known, Iman Alparslan Kuytul made dua for the martyrs and made clear that he is against separation when he was talking about the operation in Afrin. This can be clearly seen after one pays attention to his political analyses he has been making for years. It is ruthless to charge Iman Alparslan Kuytul, who is always condemning terror and trying to find a solution, for terror glorifying propaganda.

These analyses and statements show how sensitive Imam Alparslan Kuytul is with respect to social issues.

Dealing with topics from the past again and again makes clear that the responsible people for the smear campaign have no evidence for their accusations. They make use of topics Imam Alparslan Kuytul have already made statements so people knew that the Furkan Foundation cannot be found guilty.

For years there have been people who accuse the Furkan Foundation for things that are not true. The answers for these accusations have been given. The Furkan Movement works for the well-being of the society and never will allow dragging their name through the dirt.

Here are the defamations that are made for years and its answers: