The real reason behind the actions that are taken against the Furkan Foundation is that this movement is talking about Tawheed

Yurt dışındaki takipçilerimiz için İngilizce çeviri: For years the Furkan Movement undergoes different interferences by the AKP-government caused by speaking about the Tawheed, being with the truth and being against oppression. Imam Alparslan Kuytul and the members of the Furkan Movement is again affected by an interference and suppression.

Eklenme Tarihi: 30 Oca 2018
2 dk okuma süresi
Güncelleme Tarihi: 26 Eyl 2024
The real reason behind the actions that are taken against the Furkan Foundation is that this movement is talking about Tawheed

For several years the Furkan Movement undergoes black propaganda on social media and accusations such as being pro-isis, pro-iran, pro-pkk, pro-russia, pro-fetö and being an English secret agent. The Furkan Movement never has had connections with terrorist organizations and never has taken part in demonstrations.

For years this movement has publicly organized hundreds of conferences for men and women, weekly tafsir classes open for the public and other Islamic programs. Many people took part with pleasure, so this operation surprised them.

The real reason for the oppression

After his conferences were banned Iman Alparslan Kuytul explained the real reason in a speech he made.

“The whole issue is that the movement is growing!

This movement is defending the Islamic civilization. The whole issue is that this movement is talking about Tawheed.

If we organized only cultural activities they would support us. The enemies of Islam feel disturbed that we are talking about Tawheed and that we are growing. And the government feels disturbed because we criticised them with respect to some affairs.

We criticized your politics concerning Iraq, and we are right!

We criticized your politics concerning Syria, and we are right!

You recommended laicism, we criticized you for that, and we are right!

If Allah gives a mission to a community (jamaah) nobody can stop it.